Shape Your Future

Boundless Minds provides mentorship for employment, entrepreneurship and leadership.


See what Boundless Minds can do for you

Boundless Mentor Match

Boundless Skilling and Mentor-Match

Our flagship mentorship programme offers varied packages for young people(15-25 years) to enhance the development of soft skills and accelerate opportunities to transition to work.

Experiential soft skills training

Mentees undergo 96 hours of 21st century skills training on Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication, Curiosity, Collaboration

Peer mentorship/Community service

Mentees undertake 12 hours where they are required to teach 25 other peers in their networks


Mentees are paired with professionals, entrepreneurs and social justice champions to hold life and career sessions totaling up to 12 hours

Sign up for mentorship


Xoma: the boundless shop

Our shop responds to the shortage of creative education products that enhance the development of cognitive abilities such as creativity, comprehension, self-awareness, confidence, etc, among children and adolescents (03-16 years).

By providing creative learning aids such as toolkits and work books, storybooks and reading guides, art books, brain games, and teaching aids, we are complimenting the work of teachers, parents/guardians and educators.

Visit Xoma


Boundless Opportunities

Many young people struggle with finding opportunities to make that next career step. Our opportunities portal is the go-to place if you are wondering how to find that entry and mid-level jobs, internship, apprenticeship or volunteer opportunity; or are wondering which scholarships, grants, awards and fellowships are out there, the Boundless Opportunities portal is a great place to start.

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Boundless Resources

We know how difficult it is for everyone to do something for the very first time. That is why we have curated all the resources and templates that entrepreneurs, creators and professionals need when they want to reference and compare. From CV templates, to concept notes, budgets career maps, ideation maps etc, we have got it all

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Download & Learn on the GO

Boundless Mobile App coming soon

Our mobile app helps you stay more engaged and more informed so you don't miss anything

Join more than 2500 young professionals across the continent.

At Boundless, I learned solution based thinking, but even better, that solutions come with action, the action to start with what you have!

I didn't know I needed Boundless until I joined Boundless! Boundless minds has put me in an environment and network of people where I am challenged to become a better person every single day. Forever grateful for the opportunity to be part of this great move.

Joining Boundless Minds was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was able to learn about budgeting, financial management, proper business communication and I also acquired practical skills as we were assigned to carry out a project, plan for it, budget and market it.

At Boundless, I learned solution based thinking, but even better, that solutions come with action, the action to start with what you have!